PIC lights on, Assembly Language

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errorlevel -302 ;prevents error code for this chipset
__config 0x373A ;chip config PIC spec page 146
processor 16F877A ;chipset

reset code 0x00
pagesel start ;Chooses pages from goto
nop ;does nothing
goto start

code ;LABEL
start ;Label
clrf STATUS ;clear status from regester(Z is in status regester)
clrf PORTA ;clear port A
clrf PORTB ;clear port B
movlw 0x03 ;move literal into w
movwf PORTA ;move w into f

bsf STATUS, RP0 ;bit set f status, Regestry bank 0
movlw 0x07 ;move literal into w
movwf ADCON1
clrf TRISA ;clear register TriState regestry port A
clrf TRISB ;clear register TriState regestry port B
clrf TRISD ;clear register TriState regestry port D

loop ;Start a Loop function
call LCD_update ;Calls LCD_Update function
call delay ;Calls delay function for time
goto loop ;Returns to loop

LCD_update_code code ;LAbEL
LCD_update ;LABEL

sw1 btfsc PORTB, 1
goto display1
btfsc PORTB, 0
goto display2
bcf PORTB, 0x01 ;turn Off LED 2
movlw 0xF9 ;Set number 1
movwf PORTD ;move w to f set PORTD
bsf PORTB, 0x00 ;turn On LED 1
goto finish_display

sw2 btfsc PORTB, 0
goto display2
btfsc PORTB, 1
goto display3
bcf PORTB, 0x00 ;turn off LED
movlw 0x24 ;Set number 2
movwf PORTD
bsf PORTB, 0x01 ;turn on LED 2
goto finish_display

sw3 btfsc PORTB, 1
goto display3
btfsc PORTB, 0
goto display4
bcf PORTB, 0x04 ;turn off LED 4
movlw 0x30 ;Set number 3
movwf PORTD
bsf PORTB, 0x02 ;turn on LED 3
goto finish_display

sw4 btfsc PORTB, 0
goto display3
btfsc PORTB, 1
goto finish_display
bcf PORTB, 0x02 ;turn off LED 3
movlw 0x8D ;Set number 4
movwf PORTD
bsf PORTB, 0x04 ;turn on LED 4
goto finish_display


;Variables for delay function

delay_udata udata ;LABEL
x res 2 ;x reserves 2 bytes

.delay code
banksel x
clrf x
movlw 20
movwf x + 1
decfsz x, 1
goto $-1
decfsz x + 1, 1
goto $-3


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