Perform arithmetic operation on floating values in c#, DOT NET Programming

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Perform Arithmetic operations on Floating Values - C# Program

Hello, I've been trying so many codes for this but those codes didn't work well. Please write the code for Perform Arithmetic Operations on Floating Values in c#.

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2/11/2013 6:41:58 AM

Program code for Arithmetic Operations on Floating Values

using System;

class floatdemo


  public static void Main()


   string s1,s2;

   float a,b;

 Console.Write("Enter no 1 # "); // Display to enter no. 1

  s1 = Console.ReadLine (); // save the  number in a string variable s1

  a = float.Parse (s1); // the string s1 is converted into float type variable

 Console.Write("Enter no 2 # "); //Display to enter no. 2

  s2 = Console.ReadLine (); // save the  number in a string variable s2

  b = float.Parse (s2); // the string s2 is cinverted into float type variable

    // Here er converted both the string variables to float because we wanted to do 

   // float / numeric manipulation with the inputted string variables

   Console.WriteLine(""); // Blank line

  Console.WriteLine("*** Integer manipulations ****");

  Console.WriteLine(""); // Blank line    

   // Integer manipulations  

  Console.WriteLine("No1 + No2 = " + (a+b));

  Console.WriteLine("No1 - No2 = " + (a-b));

  Console.WriteLine("No1 / No2 = " + (a/b));

  Console.WriteLine("No1 * No2 = " + (a*b));

  Console.WriteLine("No1 % No2 = " + (a%b));





2/11/2013 6:43:18 AM

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