oracle development , PL-SQL Programming

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Write a stored procedure that accepts the post code in which the customer resides as the input parameter. The procedure should then use an explicit cursor to display comprehensive details about each customer, the number of bookings that customer has made and the total cost of all completed rentals for that customer.
1. Use a fully declared explicit cursor to find and display comprehensive details for each customer.
2. Use an implicit cursor and a SQL function to calculate the number of bookings the customer has made. Display the number of bookings.
3. Calculate the total cost. In order to calculate the total cost, you may not use any SQL functions (e.g. SUM) and you must find a way of using local variables to do the arithmetic. Only completed rentals are used in this calculation. When miles_in has a value, the rental is complete. Display the total cost when the computation is complete.
Submit the code and a screen dump of the output when the program is run.

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