Operation on list - c++ program, C/C++ Programming

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Operation on list - c++ program:

Write a program in c to Insert value on list and list iteration.

typedef struct item *node_ptr;

struct item {

                  int element;

                  node_ptr next;


typedef node_ptr list;

typedef node_ptr position;


void main()


list head;


void  create(list);

void print(list);

head=(list)malloc(sizeof(struct item));







void create(list head)


 position temp;

 char opt;


 while (1)


 printf("Enter yuor option\n");







 if(head->next== NULL)


 head->next=temp=(position)malloc(sizeof(struct item));


 temp=temp->next=(position)malloc(sizeof(struct item));

 temp->next =NULL;




void  print(list head)

 { position temp;

  temp =head->next;

  while (temp  !=NULL)







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