Operation on array - c program, C/C++ Programming

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Operation on array:

void Array::add( Object& toAdd )



    while( ptrAt( lastElementIndex ) != ZERO &&

           lastElementIndex <= upperbound




    if( lastElementIndex > upperbound )

        reallocate( lastElementIndex - lowerbound + 1 );


    setData( lastElementIndex, &toAdd );


    CHECK( itemsInContainer > 0 );



void Array::addAt( Object& toAdd, int atIndex )


    PRECONDITION( atIndex >= lowerbound );

    if( atIndex > upperbound )

        reallocate( atIndex - lowerbound + 1 );


    if( ptrAt( atIndex ) != ZERO )


        delete ptrAt( atIndex );



    setData( atIndex, &toAdd );


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