Online Bakery Data Base Project, Database Management System

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How much would you charge to create a database encompassing an Online Bakery with all the elements below?

I. Describe the application that you would like to design. This should include the purpose of the
application and an informal description of the application functionality. List and describe in detail the data
elements that must be captured in this application and stored in the database. The application may meet all
of the data needs of a business or may be specific to a single need within that business.
Note that you should not describe the TABLES that will contain this data… table design comes later. For
now, just make sure that you know what data points you want to capture. The names for these data should
not be database-style names, just plain English. While we will only be implementing the database for this
application, having this description will help guide the database development. Below is an example of a
project description.
II. Add "use cases" for your database. In this case, all you need is several (5-7 preferred) questions that
you would use your database application to answer. These should be Select queries and not database
updates or other database manipulation statements.
III. Draw one or more Entity-Relationship diagrams for your database. Optimally you will have 7-10
entities. (Otherwise consider modifying your project description.) Include a write-up discussing the
options that you have for this design and why you chose the option that you did. The E-R diagrams must
conform to the conventions that we have chosen to use in this class. The diagrams must be added to your
document; with E/R Assistant and most other drawing programs, you can cut and paste your diagrams
into Word.
IV. Create the relational schema for your database based on your E-R diagram. Then revise this schema
to be normalized or, if you choose not to, explain why denormalized tables are preferable. Implement this
in your Oracle or MS SQL Server database and populate the database with test data. Your project should
a. the ERD
b. the relational schema (not CREATE TABLE statements)
c. a description of the normalization of these tables
d. the data definition statements that you used to create the tables; please do NOT turn in screen
captures, just the text of the statements
e. a sample of the statements for inserting data into the tables (two or three for each table will do);
please do NOT turn in screen captures, just the text of the statements
V. Write the SQL queries that support at least three of your use cases. Perform a screen capture showing
the results when you run these queries against your database. Please edit the screen capture to delete all
unnecessary text so that this will be legible to your readers. Finally, add a conclusion that briefly sums up
the project and any ideas you have for implementing it.
Assemble all of your project steps into a final project document. Your final project will be judged on:
o Presentation: Your project should be easy to read and attractively presented. It should be
understandable by someone who has not seen your project before.
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o Consistency: Even though this project was written in steps, the whole must be consistent: for
example, the ERD must be consistent with the data description.
o Completeness: All steps must be included in the final report including a conclusion.
o Correctness: The ERD, table schema, DDL, DML and SELECT statements must all be correctly
derived from the project introduction, data description and use cases.

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