Non-final functions in java object class, JAVA Programming

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clone (), finalize (), toString (), equals (), hashCode () and. The other methods like wait (), getClass (), notifyAll (), notify ()


 The toString() function given by the java.lang.Object returns a string, which consists of the class name followed by an "@" sign and then unsigned hexadecimal presentation of the hashcode, As Set@162b91. This hexadecimal presentation is not what the users of your class want to see.




You have to override the clone() method very judiciously. Implementing a properly working clone method is complex and it is rarely used. You are better off providing some alternative defines of object copying or simply not giving the capability. A better approach is to give a copy constructor or a static factory function in place of a constructor.




Unlike C++ destructors, the finalize() method in Java is unpredictable,  dangerous and usually unnecessary. Use try{} finally{} blocks in Enterprise section. The finalize() method could only be need in rare instances to terminate non-critical native resources or as a safety net.

protected void finalize() throws Throwable {


//finalize subclass state


finally {





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