Nash equilibrium, Finance Basics

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Suppose that two players are playing the following game.  Player A can choose either Top or Bottom, and Player B can choose either Left or Right.  The payoffs are given in the following table:



                   Player B


Player A





 2               5

1             4



 0               1

3             8

where the number on the left is the payoff to Player A, and the number on the right is the payoff to Player B. 

A) Does player A have a dominant strategy, and if so what is it?

B) Does player B have a dominant strategy and if so what is it?

C) For each of the following say True if the strategy combination is a Nash equilibrium, and False if it is not a Nash equilibrium:

i) Player A plays Top and Player B plays Left

ii) Player A plays Bottom and Player B plays Left

iii) Player A plays Top and Player B plays Right

iv) Player A plays Bottom and Player B plays Right

D) If each player plays her maximin strategy what will be the outcome of the game?  (Give your answer in terms of the strategies each player chooses-for example, "Player A plays Bottom and Player B plays Right"

E) Now suppose the same game is played with the exception that Player A moves first and Player B moves second.  Draw the game tree associated with this situation.  Using the backward induction method discussed in the online class notes, what will be the outcome of the game?

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