mr. vincent the manager of a large, Management Theories

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Mr. Vincent the manager of a large supermarket was taking a management course in the evening program at the local collage. The professor had given an interesting but
Mr. Vincent the manager of a large supermarket was taking a management course in the evening program at the local collage. The professor had given an interesting but disturbing lecture the pervious night on the various approaches to management. Vincent had always thought that management involved just planning, organizing and controlling. Now this professor was saying that management could also be thought of quantitative models, systems theory and analysis, and even something called contingency relationship. Vincent had always considered himself a good manager, and his record with the supermarket chain had proved it. He thought of himself, “I have never used operations research models, thought of my store as an open system, or developed utilized any contingency relationship. By doing a little planning ahead, organizing the store and making some things got done; I have been a successful manager. That other stuff just does not make sense. All the professor was trying to do was complicate things. I guess I will have to know it for the test, but I am sticking with my old plan, organize and control approach to managing my store.”

Q1. Critically analyze Mr. Vincent’s reasoning.
Q2. If you were the professor and you knew what was going through Vincent’s mind, what would you say to Vincent?

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