Method over ridding method in java, JAVA Programming

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Q. Write short on the method over ridding method in java?

Ans. Method over ridding and dynamic binding: We have seen that a method in a super class is inherited by its subclass and is used by the object created by the subclass. Method inheritance enables us to define the method again in the subclass. In the class hierarchy when a instance method the subclass has the same name signature as an instance method (non private) in its super class, then the method in the subclass is said to over ride the method in the super class. When an over ridden method is called from in a subclass, it will always refer to the edition of that method defined by the subclass. The version of the method defined by the super class will be hidden.

Example of method over ridding

Box _ demo java

Class box


Int h;

Int w;

Int d;

Box (Int i, Int j, Int k)


H = i;

W = j;

D = k;


Void show ()


System. Out. Println ("box class")

 System. Out. Println (height : " + h)      

System. Out. Println (: "  width+ w)



Class sub _ box extends box


Int i;

Int j;

Int k;

Sub box (Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d, Int e, Int f Int h)


Super (d, e, f)

I = a;

J = b;

K = c;


Void show ()



System. Out. Println ("box class")

 System. Out. Println (height : " + h)     

System. Out. Println (: "  width+ w)




Class box _ demo


Public static void main (string args[])


Sub _ box sb 1 = new sub _ box (10, 20,30, 40, 50, 60);

Sb. Show ();




Sub _ class of box

Height : 10

Width : 20

Depth : 30

Note when show () method is invoked on an object of type sub _ box the version of show () defined within sub _ box is used, the version of show () method inside sub _ box class over ride declared in box classes.

Application of method over ridding:

Dynamic method binding (dynamic method dispatch or run time binding): method over ridding forms the basic for one java's powerful concept. Dynamic method dispatch is the mechanism by which call to an dynamic method dispatch is an important because this is how java implements run time polymorphism. A super class refers variable can refer to a subclass objects, java uses this fact to resolve calls to over ridden method at run time. When an over ridden method is called through a super class reference, java finds out which version of that method to execute based upon the types of the object being referred to different versions of an over ridden method is called through a super class reference java determines which version of that method to execute based upon the type of the object being referred to at the time of the call referred occurs at this version. Thus this determines is made at run time, when different types of the objects are referred to the different version of an over ridden method of an over ridden method will be called. In other words, it is the kind of the object being referred to (not the type of reference) that determines which version of an over ridden method will be executed. Over ridden method allows java to support run time polymorphism. Polymorphism is essential for OOP for one version. It allows a general class to specify methods that will be common to all of its derivatives while allowing sub classes to define the specific implementation of some of all these methods. By containing inheritance with over ridden methods, a super class can define the general form of method that will be used by all of its sub classes. The ability of existing code libraries to call methods to an instance is a profoundly powerful tool.

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