Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
-Economies of Scale
- Increase in the output is greater than increase in the inputs.
-Diseconomies of Scale
- Increase in the output is less than increase in the inputs.
Measuring Economies of Scale
![2373_economies of scale.png]( of scale.png)
Thus, the following is true:
-EC< 1: MC < AC
- Average cost shows decreasing economies of scale
-EC = 1: MC = AC
- Average cost shows constant economies of scale
-EC > 1: MC > AC
- Average cost shows increasing economies of scale
The Relationship between Short Run and Long Run Cost
-We will use long and short run cost to determine optimal plant size
Long-Run Cost with the Constant Returns to Scale
![1609_long run curve.png]( run curve.png)
-The optimal plant size depends on the anticipated output (for example Q1 choose SAC1,etc).
-The long run average cost curve is the envelope of the firm's short run average cost curves.
-What would happen to the average cost if an output level other than that shown is selected?
Long Run Cost(LRC) with Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
![31_long run cost.png]( run cost.png)
What is firms' long run cost curve?
-Firms can change scale to change output in the long-run.
-The long run cost curve is dark blue portion of SAC curve which represents minimum cost for any level of output.
-The LAC doesn't include minimum points of small and large size plants? Why not?
-LMC is not envelope of short run marginal cost. Why not?
Measuring Economies of Scale
![746_economies of scale1.png](
* Thus, the following is true:
- EC< 1: MC < AC
- Average cost signifies decreasing economies of scale
- EC = 1: MC = AC
- Average cost signifies constant economies of scale
- EC > 1: MC > AC
- Average cost signifies increasing economies of scale
* The Relationship Between Short Run and Long Run Cost
- We will use long and short run cost to determine optimal plant size
Long Run Cost with the Constant Returns to Scale
![1392_long run cost1.png]( run cost1.png)
* Observation
- The optimal plant size depends on the anticipated output (for example Q1 choose SAC1,etc).
- The long run average cost curve is the envelope of the firm's short run average cost curves.
* Question
- What would happen to the average cost if an output level other than that shown is selected?
Long Run Cost (LRC) with Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
![935_long run cost2.png]( run cost2.png)