Matching pennies, Game Theory

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 Matching Pennies Scenario

To determine who is needed to try to to the nightly chores, 2 youngsters initial choose who are represented by "same" and who are represented by "different." Then, every kid conceals in her palm a penny either with its face up or face down. each coins are revealed simultaneously. If they match (both are heads or each are tails), the kid "same" wins. If they're totally different (one heads and one tails), "different" wins. the sport is corresponding to "odds or evens" and quite just like a 3 strategy version - rock, paper, scissors.


The game is zero add. the sole equilibrium is in mixed methods. every plays every strategy with equal chance, leading to an expected payoff of zero for every player












General Form

Player 2



Player 1







Where the following relations hold:
c = b = -a = -d 
w = z = -x = -y


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