link list, C/C++ Programming

Assignment Help:
For this program you will add and test 2 new member functions to the IntSLList class posted on the website.

The two member functions are:

insertByPosn(int el, int pos)
Assuming that the positions of elements of a list begin numbering at 1 and continue to the end of the list, you will insert a new node with info value el at position pos. pos will become the position of the new node in the modified list. For example, if pos = 1, insert the new node at the head of the list. If pos = 2, for example, insert the new node BEFORE the node currently at position 2. If the list is empty prior to insertion, insert the new node in the list and adjust head and tail pointers. If pos is too large, don''t do anything. If pos is 0 or negative, don''t do anything.

deleteByPosn(int pos)
Assume position of elements are defined as above. If pos is zero or negative, do nothing. If the list is empty prior to the request to delete a node, do nothing. If pos is too large, do nothing.

To aid in verifying results, you should use the following modified version of printAll. This requires: include

void IntSLList::printAll(string locn) const {
cout << "Contents of the list " << locn << endl;
for (IntSLLNode *tmp = head; tmp != 0; tmp = tmp->next)
cout << tmp->info << " ";
if (head != 0)
cout << "Head is: " << head->info << " Tail is: " << tail->info << endl << endl;

For extra credit, you can also create the following:

Traverse the existing list beginning at the head and create a new (reversed) list with head newhead and tail newtail. Put new nodes in the new list by putting the new nodes at the head of the new list each time. Do not call any other member functions during this process. If the list to be reversed is empty, make sure that you account for this case. After the new (reversed) list is created, delete the old list using its destructor.

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