Legitimacy in your ethical life, Business Law and Ethics

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1 With reference to the material discussed in class n in the reading over the last few weeks, I would like you to continue a fours on the ethical things that we can all do in our everyday lives to improve to the ethics of the world around us. In considering the barriers that. Functionally reduce out capacity to enact an ethical commitment, one of the most powerful factors is rationalization and the ways in which our minds can excuse us from ethical action. for this. Writing, i would Ike you to identify the most common and effective rationalizations you personally tend. To use hen excusing yourself from the yes of ethical duties.

2  If you reflect carefully on the workings of your own mind I am sure you will be able To notice the types of immediate excuses we all tend to use such as " I don't have time" or "I can't be brothered" and so on. For this writing you should list your rationalizations and comment on their roles and legitimacy in your ethical life.

3 Do you think organizations " socialize individuals in evil-doing? Prepare a list of five thing you personally condoled do to improve the ethics off organization s such as enroll and how you yell go about implementing them. Make sure you refer to class discussion and reading. Material where appropriate.


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