Keeping a notebook -writing up an experiment, HR Management

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Keeping a Notebook : Firstly, we need to consider the accuracy of recording results. It is here that keeping an accurate practical notebook is of vital importance. It will prevent loss of valuable information if all your observations are recorded immediately into a practical notebook, and are not left until later or jotted down on bits and pieces of paper. You may also need to use your notebook at a later date say when you want to refer to an actual experiment, or for revision purposes. Here are some guidelines for keeping of such a notebook:

(i) A bound notebook is preferable to a loose leaved one.

(ii) We suggest labelling the front of the notebook very carefully so that if lost it returns to you!

(iii) You may also find it useful to leave the first few pages blank so that you can prepare a list of contents on these pages at a later date.

(iv) In this connection, we suggest that you number all your pages.

(v) Use ink rather than pencil, as pencil written material smudges fast and often becomes illegible after a few days.

(vi) It is a good idea to use a fresh page to begin each experiment, giving it a title and recording the date.

(vii) The experiment should be written up under standard headings such as Date, Title, Introduction, Apparatus and Materials, Methods, Results, Calculations, Conclusions, and References.

All the observations should be recorded directly into the notebook. You should also record all partial and intermediate results so that any calculations can be double-checked.

The notes that you record should allow for the experiment to be repeated exactly by any other scientist - repeatability is an important test of scientific validity.

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