Java 2 micro edition - programming for mobile phones, JAVA Programming

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You must design, code and demonstrate a J2ME program (a program capable of running on mobile telephones) according to the specification given in the next section.  The overall coursework must be demonstrated and explained to your lab tutor in the labs during week 45 - W/C 3rd June . If you fail to explain certain features of the coursework, the marks for the feature will not be awarded to you. Hand in the write-up for the coursework on the 4th June 2013. It is acceptable to use the starter project as basic functionality development and add to it your own developments and features.

Write a J2ME (java micro-edition) code program using the http connectivity interface as described in the java specification (Generic Connectivity Framework) to deliver the following functionality:

1. Creating two threads - one for communication (receiving and sending) and the other (main) thread will be for interaction with the user. You will need also additional timer object for added interactivity - e.g. gauge.

2. The main thread will make use of three midlet forms. The first form will ask for file name and separately for a delimiter which will separate the words in the text file document, the third form will display the number of words which appear in the file as separated by the delimiter specified, while the second form will be intermediate form displaying moving gauge while the reading takes place (optional - for higher marks only).

3. The second thread should perform file reading, read its content, count the occurrences of the words according to the delimiter given and pass this information to the first thread to display (add additional sleep between the lines of the reading the file program if the reading is too fast). The file can a be a file on the mobile phone of your choice or an html file retrieved using http connection to a web server.

4. Use gauge component to show the user that the program is busy reading from the server for additional marks.

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