Introduction to the sorted arraylist, Computer Engineering

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Consider  a  collection  class  that  is  similar  to  the ArrayList  class,  except  that  elements  are sorted in a certain order. We will call this class SortedArrayList. This class has many of the same simple features  that  the ArrayList class has, but  it also has some new features  that  is different to the ArrayList class. 

The main difference is that each element (which can be of any class type) that is added into the  SortedArrayList  also  has  a  corresponding  priority,  which  is  a  decimal  number.  All elements  in  the  SortedArrayList  need  to  be  sorted  in  descending  order  (highest  priority comes first) according to their priorities at all times.

For example, if there is a list of String objects, with values "A", "B", "C" and "D", and their corresponding  priorities  are  62,  13,  71  and  38,  then  the  Strings  should  appear  in  the SortedArrayList in this order:
"C" (with priority 71), "A" (62), "D" (38), "B" (13)
In Part  1  of  the Assignment,  your  task  is  to write  the SortedArrayList  class  (its  instance variables, constructor and instance methods) as well as perform thorough unit testing on this class.

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·  It  already  contains  the  headers  of  the methods  (including  the  constructor)  that  you must write. Each method is described with a comment above the method header; you have to write the code inside the methods to perform according to the comment. You should NOT change any of the method headers.

·  You may choose to write more methods if that helps you. ·  There  is  already  1  instance  variable  declared;  you must NOT  change  this  instance variable declaration.

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