Implement binary heap in c++?, C/C++ Programming

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#ifndef BINARY_HEAP_H_

#define BINARY_HEAP_H_

#include "dsexceptions.h"

#include "vector.h"

// BinaryHeap class

// CONSTRUCTION: with an optional capacity (that defaults to 100)

// *********PUBLIC OPERATIONS**************

// void insert( x ) --> Insert x

// deleteMin( minItem ) --> Remove (and optionally return) smallest item

// Comparable findMin( ) --> Return smallest item

// bool isEmpty( ) --> if empty, Return true; else false

// bool isFull( ) --> if full , Return true; else false

// void makeEmpty( ) --> Eliminate all items

// ***********ERRORS*************

// Throws Underflow & Overflow as necessary


class BinaryHeap



explicit BinaryHeap( int capacity = 100 );

bool isEmpty( ) const;

bool isFull( ) const;

const Comparable & findMin( ) const;

void insert( const Comparable & x );

void deleteMin( );

void deleteMin( Comparable & minItem );

void makeEmpty( );


int currentSize; // Number of elements in heap vector array; // The heap array

void buildHeap( );

void percolateDown( int hole );






#include "BinaryHeap.h"


* Construct the binary heap.

* Capacity means capacity of binary heap.



BinaryHeap::BinaryHeap( int capacity )

: array( capacity + 1 ), currentSize( 0 )





* Insert item x in the priority queue, maintaining heap order.

* Duplicates are allowed.

* Throw Overflow if container is full.



void BinaryHeap::insert( const Comparable & x )


if( isFull( ) )

throw Overflow( );

// Percolate up

int hole = ++currentSize;

for( ; hole > 1 && x < array[ hole / 2 ]; hole /= 2 )

array[ hole ] = array[ hole / 2 ];

array[ hole ] = x;



* Determine the smallest item in the priority queue.

* Return the smallest item, or if empty , throw Underflow.



const Comparable & BinaryHeap::findMin( ) const


if( isEmpty( ) ) throw Underflow( ); return array[ 1 ];



* From priority queue remove smallest item.

* Throw Underflow if empty.



void BinaryHeap::deleteMin( )


if( isEmpty( ) )

throw Underflow( );

array[ 1 ] = array[ currentSize-- ];

percolateDown( 1 );




* From the priority queue eliminate the smallest item

* and place it in minItem. Throw Underflow if empty.



void BinaryHeap::deleteMin( Comparable & minItem )


if( isEmpty( ) )

throw Underflow( );

minItem = array[ 1 ];

array[ 1 ] = array[ currentSize-- ];

percolateDown( 1 );



* From arbitrary establish heap order property

* Arrangement of items. Runs in linear time.



void BinaryHeap::buildHeap( )


for( int i = currentSize / 2; i > 0; i-- )

percolateDown( i );



* Test if the priority queue is empty logically.

* Return true if empty, or else false.



bool BinaryHeap::isEmpty( ) const


return currentSize == 0;



* Test if priority queue is logically full.

* Return true if full, false otherwise.



bool BinaryHeap::isFull( ) const


return currentSize == array.size( ) - 1;



* Logically make priority queue empty.



void BinaryHeap::makeEmpty( )


currentSize = 0;



* To percolate down, internal technique in the heap.

* hole is the index whereupon the percolate begins.



void BinaryHeap::percolateDown( int hole )


/* 1*/ int child;

/* 2*/ Comparable tmp = array[ hole ];

/* 3*/ for( ; hole * 2 <= currentSize; hole = child )


/* 4*/ child = hole * 2;

/* 5*/ if( child != currentSize && array[ child + 1 ] < array[ child ] )

/* 6*/ child++;

/* 7*/ if( array[ child ] < tmp )

/* 8*/ array[ hole ] = array[ child ];


/* 9*/ break;


/*10*/ array[ hole ] = tmp;





#include "BinaryHeap.h"

#include "dsexceptions.h"

// Test program int main( )


int numItems = 10000; BinaryHeap h( numItems ); int i = 37;

int x;



for( i = 37; i != 0; i = ( i + 37 ) % numItems )

h.insert( i );

for( i = 1; i < numItems; i++ )


h.deleteMin( x );

if( x != i )

cout << "Oops! " << i << endl;


for( i = 37; i != 0; i = ( i + 37 ) % numItems )

h.insert( i );

h.insert( 0 );

h.insert( i = 999999 ); // Should overflow


catch( Overflow )

{ cout << "Overflow (expected)! " << i << endl; }

return 0;



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