Illustration of perform with varying option, COBOL Programming

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Illustration of Perform with varying option:

A) Perform para-3 varying the k from 1 by 1 until k > 10.

Here para-3 will be constantly executed 10 times (For k=1,2,3, .....10)

B) Perform p-2 thru p-4 varying the j from 1 by 2 until j > 100.

Here the paragraphs from p-2 through p-4 will be constantly executed for j=1,3,5 ...,99.

C) Perform the para-3 varying I  from 1 by 1 until I  > 50  after J from 1 by 1 until J > 10.

Here the para-3 will be executed 500 times. Keeping I=1

(J=1,2,3,...10),I=2 (J=1,2,3...10) .... And I=50 (J=1,2,3,...10). In this illustration 2 loops are used.


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