Illustrate the horizons in detail, Biology

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Illustrate the Horizons in detail

'O'  is the  organic horizon  formed from t he organic litter derived from plants and animals and fresh or partially decomposed organic material. 

 'A'  is the  mineral horizon  consisting of organic matter accumulation and has lost clay, iron, or aluminium with resultant concentration of quartz or other resistant minerals of sand or silt size.

'E'  is the mineral horizon  in which the main feature is the loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminium, or some combination of these, leaving a concentration of sand and silt particles.  These horizons exhibit obliteration of all or much of the original rock structure.

'B' horizon is characteri sed by an accumulation of silicate clays, iron and aluminium oxides, gypsum and calcium carbonate. These materials come from the upper layers or formed through a weathering  process.

'C'  is a mineral horizon  or layer, excluding bedrock, that is either like or unlike the material from which the solum is presumed to have formed, relatively little affected by pedogenic processes and lacking properties diagnostic of O, A, E or B  horizons. 




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