iLab 2: Office Network Expansion, Computer Networking

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#queiLab 2: Office Network Expansion

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i L A B O V E R V I E W

In this lab, we will be simulating an office network that evaluates the effects of a proposed expansion.

Item Points
Step 1: Small Internet Works - Analysis of Simulation 15
Step 2: Screenshot 15
Total Points 30
i L A B S T E P S
STEP 1: Small Internet Works

The following tutorials will lead you through creating a network simulation. You will first be creating the existing office network. Next, you will run the simulation of the current office network to get a baseline to compare the effects of the expansion. Then, you will create a second scenario that includes the expansion. You will run this simulation and compare the results of the expansion on the network with the current office network.
• Open the IT Guru 15 tutorials
• Expand the tutorials link
• Expand the basic tutorials link
• Expand the small internetworks link and complete the Introduction, Getting Started, Creating the Network, Collecting Statistics, Viewing the Results, Expanding the Network, and the Comparing Results sections.

STEP 2: Screenshot

After completing the IT Guru Small Internetworks tutorial, take a screenshot using Ctrl + prtsc or another screen capture utility. Arrange the screen so that all items can be seen. The screen must contain the following:
• Final network configuration
• Graph of overlaid results of the server statistics
• Graph of the overlaid results of the global statistics
Click on image to enlarge.

Screenshot Example 1

Click on image to enlarge.

Screenshot Example 2

Paste the screenshot into a Word document.
Include in the Word document containing your screenshot of the final results your written analysis on the proposed expansion. Address the following in your analysis:
• Effect on server load
• Effect on network load
• What would be your recommendation on the expansion?
STEP 3: Submit to the Dropbox

Submit the completed word document to the weekly iLab Dropboxstion..

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