BigCommerce fully responsive design implementation
I am looking for a programmer who can implement my Mockups on my BigCommerce shop.
a) You write clean code with comments
b) You give a time estimate which you can actually keep.
c) You are capable of solving hard problems
d) You know how to implement fully responsive design
With the mockup I borrowed several things from amazon. This signifies it really is not easy. I already tried to find freelancers for this job and the one I awarded failed miserably. Therefore make sure you take a considerable amount of time to look at my requirements.
Note: I am not a programmer, therefore I do not know if there are limitations on bigcommerce which will make my design not possible. If hence, I do like to tell me, thus we can find another solution. But I do highly appreciate if it would work like I want it.
Desired Skills are MySQL Administration, CSS, HTML, PHP, BigCommerce