How to write a function template, C/C++ Programming

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How to write a function template

A function template should be written at the beginning of the program in the global area, or you may place it into a header file. All function templates begin with a template declaration.

The syntax is :

  • The C++ keyword template
  • A left angle bracket ( < )
  • A comma separates a list of generic types, each one. A generic type having of two parts

1. the keyword class ( this usage of class has nothing to do with the key word class used to make user-defined type.)

2. a variable that shows some generic type, and will be used whenever this type requires to be written in the function definition. Typically the name T is used, but any valid C++ name will do.

  • A right angle bracket ( > ).


template < class T>

T max(char x, char y)


                                return ( x > y) ? x : y ;



                void main()


                  cout << max( 1,2) << endl;

                  cout << max( 5.62,3.48) << endl;

                  cout << max('A','a') << endl;

                  cout << max( 4,3) << endl;



The output is :






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