How the required weight gain calculated, Biology

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How the Required weight gain Calculated?

Weight gain is another aspect deserving attention. 'Allowable' or recommended weight gain could be higher than for adults. The weight gain required can be calculated by adding the following:

• Expected weight increase as a result of normal growth (non-pregnant) during the 9 months of pregnancy. (The increase in weight may be much higher for a girl during the first year after menarche to almost 10 kg, 4 years after menarche).
• Increase is required to support pregnancy.
• If underweight, the increase that is needed to achieve average weight for height. In this unit, we reviewed in detail the physiological changes, nutrient requirements and some of the common complications associated with pregnancy. In our next section, we shall study about the nutrition and health significance of lactation. Before we proceed to the next section, you must attempt the check your progress exercise to revise your understanding.

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