Hard-disk acquisition, Computer Engineering

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(a) Forensic methodology consists of three phases. Briefly explian these three phases.

(b) Sometimes it's best not to perform hard-disk acquisition. Provide two circumstances where it's best not to perform the hard-disk acquisition.

(c) Forensic examiners have to make data acquisition without causing data spoliation. One way of preventing data spoliation is by making use of a sanitized media for data acquisition.

i. Why is it important to use a sanitized media?
ii. How can a storage media be sanitized for forensic purposes?
iii. Name a standard that can be used to sanitize storage media.
iv. Give an example of a sanitizing software that can be used to sanitize media.

(d) How many disk image or copy is recommended to make during data acquisition? Justify your answer.

(e) Distinguish between a "forensic disk image" and a "backup of a disk".

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