1. Mendel was born on 22 July 1822 at Heizendorf in Austria at Selesia village.
2. Mendel was worked in Augustion Monastry as monk at Brunn city, Austria.
3. In 1856-57, he started his historical experiments of heredity on pea plant.
4. His experimental work continued on pea plant till 1865 .
5. The results of his experiments were published in the science Journal "Nature for schender Verein" in 1866.
6. This Journal was in German language.
7. This Journal was published by 'Natural History Society of Brunn'.
8. A paper of Mendel by the name of "Experiment on plant Hybridization" published in this journal.
9. Mendel were unable to got any popularity no one understand him. He died in 1884 due to kidney disease without getting any credit.
10. Mendel's work remain unnoticed and unappreciated for some 34 years due to :-
(i) His work was ahead of his time.
(ii) He published it in a journal that had limited circulation.
(iii) He was himself not sure of his findings, as he failed to get similar results on hawkweed (Hieracium).
(iv) His mathematical approach in working out biological problems was strange for the then scientists.
(v) Mind of the biologists was pre-occupied with the Darwin's theory of evolution.

Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) [Father of Genetics]