Generate a computer code to simulate the following solidification situation during a casting process:

The material is a well-known polymer known as PEEK (polyetheretherketone). The properties of this material are as follows:
K= 0.251 W/mK, ρ = 1262 kg/m3 Cps = Cpl =1339 J/kgK
Ts =3300C = 603K, Tl =3450C =618 K
hs = CpsTs =807,417 J/kg, hl Cpl Tl = 827,502 J/kg
Assume that Tinitial = 650 K everywhere (the pouring temperature) and that at time = 0 the wall temperatures on walls AB, BC, AD, and DC are set to Twall = 290 K (the mold temperature). Study this solidification problem numerically, and hand in the following:
- A copy of your source code
- Plots of Tcenter versus time and Tp versus time
- The total solidification time and final point of solidification within the product.
- Contour plots of solidus and liquidus interfaces for a selected time.
- A plot showing the temporal progression of solidus interface fronts during the casting process.
Run your code several times with a deceasing mesh cell size. For each of these mesh cell sizes, report on the following:
- The total solidification time and final point of solidification within the product.
From this mesh size sensitivity analysis suggest an optimal mesh size to address this type of problem.
Δ/Δx * ΔT/Δx