Generalization of the interpretation of local automata, Theory of Computation

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The generalization of the interpretation of strictly local automata as generators is similar, in some respects, to the generalization of Myhill graphs. Again, the set of possible symbols that may appear at any given point depends only on the previous k - 1 symbols. Here this is realized by taking the factors to be tiles and allowing a tile labeled σ2, . . . , σk, σk+1 to be placed over the last k-1 symbols of a tile labeled σ1, σ2, . . . , σk. Again, the process starts with a tile labeled 'x  ' and ends when a tile labeled '  x' is placed. Strings of length less than k - 1 are generated with a single tile.

Note that there is a sense in which this mechanism is the dual of the k-local Myhill graphs. In the graphs, the vertices are labeled with the pre?x of the factors in the automaton and the edges are labeled with the last symbol of the label of the node the edge is incident to. It is those edge labels that call out the string being recognized and the initial k - 1 positions of the string label the edges incident from ‘x'. Here it is the exposed symbols that call out the string being generated and these are the initial symbols of the tiles. And the ?nal k -1 symbols of the string are the symbols labeling the last tile, the one labeled with ‘x'.

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