Friend function in c++, C/C++ Programming

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Friend function in c++:

class miles;

class km


   float value;

   public :

  // void input();

    km convert(km  ,int a ) ;

   void output()


   cout << value;




                                km km :: convert(km a,int b)


                                a.value = b * 1.61;

                                return a;






                class miles


                   int value;



                   void input()


                   cout << "Enter the value\n";

                  cin >> value;


                   friend km & convert(km &,miles);



                km & convert(km & a,miles b)


                                a= b.value * 1.61;

                                return a;




   void main()


     km a;

     miles b;




     a= convert (a,b);




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