For loop visual basic program, Visual Basic Programming

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Write Visual Basic programs for the following:

1.     Write a program that uses a "For Loop" to generate a list of temperature conversions in one degree increments from a given low to a specified high temperature. Use two option buttons to determine whether temperature is converted from Fahrenheit to Celsius or from Celsius to Fahrenheit. (Refer to Assignment 1 for oF > oC conversion formulae and vice versa). Have your program display the results in a list box. Your form should look similar to the one shown below:


2.     Write a program which displays a trigonometry table similar to the one shown below. When writing the program, please note the following:

  • Make use of VB's Math methods. (see Math Table as an example)
  • Display Degrees, Sine, Cosine and Tangent values for 0 to 360 degrees, accurate to 12 places of decimal. Since the Cosine, Sine and Tangent functions use radians, convert degrees to radians as follows: Radians = Degrees * MATH.PI / 180.
  • Deal with 90 and 270 degrees by displaying the tangent value as "infinity".

1199_trignomatric table.png

3.      Write a program for textbook question  "Falling Distance"

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