Fill an array of randomly generated integers, C/C++ Programming

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The task consists of two parts which are both preferably implemented in one source file. Towards the end of this document you will find a code skeleton that you must assume. Start by creating a c-file and copy the code skeleton. In the given code, there are six functional prototypes, Alternative 1 is that you must implement the functions of the first three function prototypes and in exercise 2, you implement the functions of the final three. 

It is not allowed to change the given function prototypes or code in the main feature. However, it is good to add more features when needed.

Alternative 1 - Arrays

This sub-task is to you from a given code entry Keleta will implement three functions. A feature that fills an array of randomly generated integers, a function that sorts the array elements in numerical order and a function that prints the entire array and a string of text. A more detailed description of these functions will be found further down in the document.

Consider first the following example. 

 Arrays - Example 

The C language is the programmer's responsibility to keep track of an array size. Below is an example of this.

We declare an integer array with 10 elements. Then we assign the first element at position  0 value 1 and the last element at position 9, we assign the value 10.

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