File Menu: Under it we have New, Save as, Save, Save as template, Export, Import, Preview in browser so on options.
Edit Menu: In this menu we have Copy, Cut, Paste, Redo, Undo, Select all, Replace, Find, Preference so on. options which help us in editing the document.
View Menu: Rulers, Plugins, Grids, etc. are obtainable under this.
Insert Menu: It has almost all the things, which are there, in the Object tool bar.
Modify Menu: Under this we contain selection properties, Page properties, remove link, link target, table, layer, Make link, library, frameset, timeline, template, translate etc. This menu helps to alter the page by selecting the option as per requirement.
Text Menu: This helps to format the text written in the page through providing details, like indent, list (ol, ul, dl), alignment, outdent, font, size, size increase, style, size decrease, CSS style, HTML style, color etc. It also provides the facility to verify the spellings in the page.
Site Menu: This menu has site files, new site, site map, define site options, open site.
Window Menu: This contains all the distinct windows, such as properties, object, launcher, site file, CSS, site map, timeline, behaviour, history, layer, library, frame, template etc.