Fetching across commits, PL-SQL Programming

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Fetching Across Commits

The FOR UPDATE clauses acquire exclusive all row locks. All rows are locked when you open the cursor, and when you commit your transaction they are unlocked. Therefore, you cannot fetch from a FOR UPDATE cursor after a commit. If you do, the PL/SQL raises an exception. In the illustration below, the cursor FOR loop fails after the tenth insert:



ctr NUMBER := 0;


FOR emp_rec IN c1 LOOP -- FETCHes implicitly


ctr := ctr + 1;

INSERT INTO temp VALUES (ctr, 'still going');

IF ctr >= 10 THEN

COMMIT; -- releases locks




If you want to fetch across the commits, do not use the FOR UPDATE and CURRENT OF clauses. Rather, use the ROWID pseudocolumn to mimic the CURRENT OF clause.

Merely select the rowid of each row into a UROWID variable. Then, use the rowid to identify the present row during the subsequent updates and deletes. An illustration is as shown:


CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ename, job, rowid FROM emp;

my_ename emp.ename%TYPE;

my_job emp.job%TYPE;

my_rowid UROWID;


OPEN c1;


FETCH c1 INTO my_ename, my_job, my_rowid;


UPDATE emp SET sal = sal * 1.05 WHERE rowid = my_rowid;

-- this mimics WHERE CURRENT OF c1





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