Features of free market system, Managerial Economics

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Features of Free Market System

The features of a free market system are:

(i)         Ownership of Means of Production

Individuals are free to own the means of production i.e. land, capital and enjoy incomes from them in the form of rent, interest and profits.

(ii)        Freedom of Choice and Enterprise

Entrepreneurs are free to invest in businesses of their choice, produce any product of their choice, workers are free to sell their labour in occupations and industries of their choice; Consumers are free to consume products of their choice.

(iii)       Self Interest as the Dominating Motive

Firms aim at maximising their profits, workers aim at maximising their wages, landowners aim at maximising their return from their land, and consumers at maximising their satisfaction

(iv)       Competition

Economic rivalry or competition envisages a situation where, in the market for each commodity, there are a large number of buyers and sellers. It is the forces of total demand and total supply which determine the market price, and each participant, whether buyer or seller, must take this price as given since it's beyond his or her influence or control.

(v)        Reliance on the Price Mechanism

Price mechanism is where the prices are determined on the market by supply and demand, and consumers base their expenditure plans and producers their production plans on market prices.

Price mechanism rations the scarce goods and services in that, those who can afford the price will buy and those who cannot afford the price will not pay.

(vi)       Limited Role of Government

In these systems, apart from playing its traditional role of providing defence, police service and such infrastructural facilities as roads for public transport, the Government plays a very limited role in directly economic profit making activities.

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