Expression and their types in cpp, C/C++ Programming

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Expression and their types:

An expression will be in form of mathematical expression with C++ syntax embedded

with it. Expressions are of following types which may be used in any combination.

Constant Expression:

int x;

x = 12 * (5 +7);

Integral Expression:

It is the expression used to create integer result.

int x;

x = 5.34 + int(4.23);

Float Expression:

It is the expression used to create floating point result.

float x;

x = 5.23 + float(4);

Pointer Expression:

It is the expression used to create address of a variable result. int x, *p;       p =&x;


Relational Expression:

It is the expression used to compare two variables or values. int x,y;

bool b;

b = true; b will be 1

b = false; b will be 0

b = x < y; //If x is less than y b =1 else 0

b = x ==y; // if x is equal to y than b =1 else 0 if (x

{ true block;



{false block;



Logical Expression:

It is the expression used to match up to two or more relational expression.

int x,y,z;

if (x

{ true block;



{false block;


Bitwise Expression:

It is the expression used to manipulate data at bit level.   It is used to multiply and divide x2

powers of 2.

x << 3;

y >> 2;


Special Assignment Expression: Chain Assignment:

int x = y =z =10; is wrong statement.

int x=y=z; is invalid statement Cannot assign as chain at declaration. int x, y, z =10;

x= y =z; The value of x and y is 10. x=y=z=20; This is valid statement. Embedded Assignment:

int x, y;

x = (y=10)+20;  The value of x will be 30 and y will be 10.


Compound Assignment:

It is similar to short hand operator expression in C.

x = x +y;

x +=y;


Implicit Expression:

Implicit mean hidden or clear or implied.  It is like to casting with little change.  The

conversion is done automatically without calling the cast.    The conversion will be from lower end to higher end, that integer can be change in to float.  To convert float to integer cast should be used. The variable must be casted independently i = float(a)/float(b);

x = 10 + 12.45;

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