Explain the java.net package, JAVA Programming

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Explain The java.net package

Each package describes a number of classes, interfaces, exceptions, and errors. For instance, the java.net package contains these, classes, interfaces, and exceptions:

Interfaces in java.net
• ContentHandlerFactory
• FileNameMap
• SocketImplFactory
• URLStreamHandlerFactory
Classes in java.net
• ContentHandler
• DatagramPacket
• DatagramSocket
• DatagramSocketImpl
• HttpURLConnection
• InetAddress
• MulticastSocket
• ServerSocket
• Socket
• SocketImpl
• URLConnection
• URLEncoder
• URLStreamHandler
Exceptions in java.net
• BindException
• ConnectException
• MalformedURLException
• NoRouteToHostException
• ProtocolException
• SocketException
• UnknownHostException
• UnknownServiceException

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