Explain the introduction of history of mart disease, Biology

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Explain the introduction of history of mart disease?

Cardio-vascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death and disability both in the developed and the developing nations. It has been estimated that in 2001, 17 million people died of CVD of all types. The most important causes were coronary artery disease (CAD),

Hypertension and rheumatic heart disease (RHD), along with congenital conditions, cardiomyopathy and myocarditis and other related conditions. It is mostly the atherosclerotic diseases of the cardio-vascular system that account for the majority of Cardio-vascular deaths. The two major manifestations of atherosclerotic diseases are coronary artery disease (CAD) and stroke. While the presence and effect of these two conditions is felt throughout the world as a global pandemic, a disturbing feature in epidemiology is the disproportionate rise of these conditions in the developing countries.

Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) study reported that in 2000, CVD accounted for 17.1 per cent of deaths in developing countries (CAD 9.1 per cent and strokes 8.0 per cent) and 46.3 per cent of deaths in developed countries (CAD 22.6 per cent and strokes 13.7.0 per cent). In absolute numbers the same study showed that in 1990 there were 5.2 million deaths from CVD in economically developed countries and 9.1 million deaths from the same causes in developing countries. However, whereas CVD deaths occasion about 25 per cent of persons under 70 years of age in the developed world, they accounted for more than about tali of these deaths under 70 in the developing world. It has been predicted that by the year 2020, global Cardio-vascular disease burden will increase by almost 75 per cent and almost all of this increase will be in the developing counties. The mortality attributable to CVD alone in India is expected to rise by 103 per cent in men and by 90 per cent in women fro111 1985 to 2015.


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