Friend for Overloading Operators
Sometimes friend functions cannot be avoided. For example with the operator overloading. Consider the following class that have data members to simulate a matrix. Several operations can be performed on the matrices. One of them is to multiply the given matrix by a number (constant literal). There are two ways in which we can do this. The two ways are:
Matrix * num;
num * Matrix;
In the first case we can overload * to perform the operation and an object invokes this as the statement gets changed to :
Where Mobj is an object of Matrix and num is a normal integer variable. What happens to the second one ? It gets changed by the compiler as :
Let us see this program in detail.
class Matrix
Matrix &operator*(int num);
friend Matrix &operator*(int n, Matrix &m);
int mat[20][20];
int rows, cols;
Matrix Matrix::operator*(int num)
Matrix temp;
for(int i=1; i<=rows; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=cols; j++)
return (temp);
Matrix operator*(int n, Matrix &m)
Matrix temp;
temp= m*n;
return temp;
void main()
Matrix M1, M2, M3;
int num;
: // accept matrix one and num
M2=M1*num; // calls member operator function.
M3=num*M1; // calls friend function.