Explain basic information flow model, Software Engineering

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Q. Explain basic information flow model & it's more sophisticated versions?

Ans. A Information flow metrics are useful to the components of a system design. For any component A we is able to define three measures

1: 'FAN IN' is merely a count of the number of other components that is able to all or passes control to component A.

2: 'FAN OUT' is the numerous components that are called by component A.

3: using the subsequent formula derives this.

We will call this determine the INFORMATION FLOW index of component A abbreviated as IF(A).

IF(A) = {FAN IN(A) *FAN OUT (A)}2

The sophisticated IF model be different from basic model in its definition of FAN IN and FAN OUT

For a component A let:

a= the numerous components that call A.

b=the numerous parameters passed to A from components higher in the hierarchy

c= the numerous parameters passed to A from components lower in the hierarchy

d=the numerous data elements read by components A then

FAN IN(A)=a+b+c+d

Also let:

e= the numerous components called by A.

f=the numerous parameters passed from A to components higher in the hierarchy

g= the numerous parameters passed from A to components lower in the hierarchy

h=the numerous data elements written to by A

AN OUT(A)=e+f+g+h

Other than those changes to the essential definitions the derivation analysis and interpretation remain the same.

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