Evaluation of health services, Biology

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Evaluation of programmes is critical for measuring various community health services The ultimate reasons for doing evaluation is to ensure a better quality of useful outcome from efforts and resources put into developing activities and programmes. Evaluation  is a positive management process relating  to efficiency. effectiveness, accountability  and a constant striving towards a better quality of development work.  

Evaluation is the process of  collecting data, presenting them in a convenient  form and using them to form  judgements  to reach decisions about an activity. A public Health. service is a process which starts with planning and ends with evaluation of  the programme. Evaluation in itself is not an end; each process of  the managemsnt and administrative cycle has an evaluation component which helps us to modify or change that  various points of  cycle so that we could achieve the pre-determined goal of  the programme. 'We  can define "evaluation as  a process  of  Identifying and reflecting  upon  the tpffect of  what  has  been done,  and judging the  value of  it".  

Thus we can say that Evaluation  is a process of  judging the value of what a prognnmefproject has achieved particularly in relation to activities planned and overall objectives  achieved. Evaluation differs  from monitoring,  but they are closely related. Evaluation involves value judgement  and hence  it  is different from monitoring which is observation and reporting of observations  on day-to-day basis for discovering problems and opportunities without any delay so that  appropriate management decisions can be made to keep the activity moving steadily towards its goals. 

Management should prepare for evaluation as a part of initial process of  planning, because planning  is concerned with identifying problems and opportunities, exploring possibilities choosing priorities,  and then setting targets, purpose, objectives  and goals. Plans list out the human and material resources needed for the task, the intended output  (outcome and  the time table and methods  for completing the programme. They seek to summarize Who will Do What, When, How, Where. So details of monitoring and evaluation process needs  to be written and inbuilt  in planning any programmefproject  right from the beginning.  

It will alert the planners to the time and other resources that proper monitoring and evaluation process will require. Management need to understand that the design, development and maintenance of evawation programs require commitment  and long term vision. It requires additional cost and personnel. Evaluation programs determine whether management actions are moving towards development and desired future.  


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