Estimate the area between f ( x ) =x3 - 5x2 + 6 x + 5, Mathematics

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Estimate the area between f ( x ) =x3 - 5x2 + 6 x + 5 and the x-axis by using n = 5 subintervals & all three cases above for the heights of each of the rectangle.


Firstly, let's get the graph to ensure that the function is positive.

267_area problem5.png

So, the graph is positive and the width of each subinterval will be,

                                      ?x = 4 /5= 0.8

It means that the endpoints of the subintervals are following,

0, 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2,  4

Let's firstly look at using the right endpoints for the function height. Following is the graph for this case.

2227_area problem6.png

Notice as well that unlike the first area we looked at, the selecting the right endpoints here will both over & underestimate the area based on where we are on the curve.  It will frequently be the case along with a more general curve that the one we at first looked at. The area estimation by using the right endpoints of each interval for the rectangle height is,

Ar  =0.8 f (0.8) + 0.8 f (1.6) + 0.8 f ( 2.4)+ 0.8 f (3.2) + 0.8 f ( 4)

     = 28.96

Now let's take look at left endpoints for function height.  Following is the graph.

2134_area problem7.png

The area estimation by using the left endpoints of each of interval for the rectangle height is,

Ar  = 0.8 f (0) + 0.8 f (0.8) + 0.8 f (1.6) + 0.8 f ( 2.4) + 0.8 f (3.2)

    = 22.56

At last, let's take a look at the midpoints for the heights of each of the rectangle. Following is the graph,

1928_area problem8.png

The area estimation by using the midpoint is then,

Ar  =0.8 f (0.4) +0.8 f (1.2) + 0.8 f ( 2) + 0.8 f ( 2.8) + 0.8 f (3.6)

    = 25.12

For comparison purposes the exact area is following,

A = 76 /3= 25.333

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