Essay on international periodicals directory, English

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Description- Essay:

This paper is intended to assist the student to explore the academic/scholarly/professional literature regarding an area of interest in teamwork. This paper is to focus on good practices or strategies for one aspect of interprofessional teams.

Details- Essay:

Scope of paper: The student will clearly identify and describe the topic of the paper. The topic is to be one aspect of interprofessional teamwork introduced in the CINT907 course (e.g. conflict resolution, leadership, roles, communication etc). Remember, the subject of this paper is to focus on a specific aspect of teamwork not teamwork in general. The student will also describe why they chose this topic for their paper.

Good Practices: This paper is to discuss four good practices that the literature suggests are important for the selected topic in teamwork. In other words, what does the evidence say are effective strategies for use in your topic area in teams? For each practice, the student is to name, clearly define/describe each practice; and provide at least 2 references from the academic/scholarly/ professional literature that recommends the practice as a good strategy for teams regarding the topic area. One of these references must be from a peer-reviewed journal. (See bibliography information below.) The student will also then describe a practical example (for each practice) that describes how that practice might be used in teamwork in their discipline or profession. This example is to focus on teamwork, is to describe a specific situation and should include how that practice would be used in that example

Outline of Literature surveyed: Students will find that they need to review a variety of sources in order to obtain material for their paper. Include a brief description (approx one paragraph) of the range/areas of the literature surveyed for this paper. The bibliography of key references actually used in writing this paper should be attached at the end of the paper.

Bibliography: The paper requires:

• At least 8 academic/scholarly sources to support the good practices identified in the paper (2 for each practice). 4 of these need to be from peer reviewed journal articles (1 for each practice). Use different sources for each practice. Assigned course readings cannot be used as part of the 8 sources. Both sources for each practice must be from the academic/scholarly/ professional literature. Please note- At least one source for each practice must be from a peer-reviewed journal. The other can be from another academic/scholarly or professional source - e.g. book, a trade journal. (See Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory to help identify peer-reviewed journals).

Formatting: This paper is to be between 5-8 pages in length, plus a cover page and bibliography. Please use font 12, double-spaced. Please use current APA style to document sources. The paper will be internally consistent (keep on topic) and will have smooth flow of ideas (easy to read).

Submission Information-Essay:

Please submit papers via Turnitin Assignment drop-box in course Blackboard (see Assignments in Blackboard menu). Papers submitted after the due date is subject to late penalty. Papers that are more than three days late will not be accepted. A grade of zero will be assigned. We encourage students to review the Ryerson University Student Handbook for information on academic policies.

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