Equipment parameter data:
The schematic diagrams for existing substations have to be prepared along with information of power transformer rating and numbers, impedance values, bus-bar scheme, isolators, circuit breakers type, for instance minimum oil/bulk oil/ SF6/Vaccum and kind of installation (indoor/outdoor), number of incoming and outgoing feeders, CTs and PTs, details of taps and normal tap position, spare bays, etc.
- Load data covering the monthly, daily and yearly details of energy or peak power within the electrical system as well as the following information is needed:
1 Peak load on each transformer/feeder and corresponding actual voltage,
2 Diversity factor at several voltage levels,
3 Power factor at several voltage levels, and
4 Load factor and loss load factor at various voltage levels.
At last, the above points of entities are plotted on digitized maps. The network is modelled using a network mapping software and customized queries are built on the network database. Various layers of information such as the following are contained in these map representations.
- The first layer corresponds to the land background containing roads, buildings, landmarks, rivers, railway crossings, etc.

Figure: a) The Drawings of the Street Map of an Area; b) The Drawings of the Electricity Distribution Network; c) The Map of the Area overlaid with Electricity Distribution Network;