Electrolysis of water in the presence of an indicator, Chemistry

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Electrolysis of Water in the Presence of an Indicator

• Place ~ 50 mL of the thawed cabbage juice in the same glass container (after rinsing) used in Step 1.

• Insert the electrodes (as instructed earlier in point four of Step 1). Observe the areas around the interface between the electrode leads and the solution for 2-3 minutes during the attempted electrolysis and report any observations in the table that follows these directions.

• Place 50 mL of the thawed cabbage juice indicator in the same glass container (after rinsing) and add one or two drops of vinegar, or more if needed, until the cabbage juice indicator solution becomes slightly pink. Once again, repeat the insertion of the electrodes as described in point four of Step 1. After 2-3 minutes, report any observations in the areas of the electrode leads in the solution in the table that follows these directions.

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