Dissertation - attributes of quality programs, Dissertation

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Dissertation writing help - Attributes of quality programs

Custom Dissertation Writing Service - In universities in developing countries: case studies of two private universities in ecuador and beyond

This study sought to identify the key attributes of high-quality programs with an eye toward helping developing countries such as Ecuador advance program quality.

The dissertation is divided into five chapters:

1) introduction to high-quality programs;

2) literature review of attributes of high-quality programs;

3) grounded theory method (including interviews with 60 individuals) used to identify program attributes that enhance student learning;

4) findings; and

5) conclusions and recommendations.

Following are the five clusters and thirteen attributes of high-quality programs that I identified: Cluster One: Highly Qualified Participants:

1) Highly Qualified Faculty, and

2) Highly Qualified Students; Cluster Two: Learning-Centered Cultures:

3) Shared Program Direction Focused on Learning,

4) Real-World Learning Experiences,

5) Reading-Centered Culture, and

6) Supportive and Risk-Taking Environment; Cluster Three: Interactive Teaching and Learning:

7) Integrative learning: Theory with Practice, Self with Subject, and

8) Exclusive Tutoring and Mentoring; Cluster Four: Connected Program Requirements:

9) Planned Breadth and Depth Course Work, and

10) Tangible Products; and Cluster Five: Adequate Resources:

11) Support for Students,

12) Support for Faculty, and

The study was guided by Haworth and Conrad's (1997) "Engagement Theory of High-Quality Programs." Eleven of the attributes of high-quality programs are closely connected to Haworth and Conrad's theory and the other two attributes-real-world learning experiences and a reading-centered culture-make the signature theoretical contributions of the study. Real-world learning experiences encourage the active involvement of stakeholders in designing curricula with real-world learning experiences. The second attribute-a reading-centered culture-has never before been identified in the literature.

There are four key differences between Haworth and Conrad's theory and the theory developed in this study. This study identified four attributes that are highly important in Ecuador and, possibly, other developing countries: highly-qualified faculty, highly-qualified students, reading-centered cultures, and real-world learning experiences. If Latin American universities implement the recommendations proposed in the study, particularly Ecuadorian universities, there is a foundation for envisioning a better future for Ecuadorian universities.

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