Direct and interactive marketing, Marketing Management

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Direct and Interactive Marketing

1. Synthesize and apply all program concepts learned to date.

2. Continue to refine interpersonal/team skills, presentation skills and critical thinking.


Written Marketing Plan Provide a complete yet succinct Multichannel Direct Marketing Plan, including a discussion of the situation analysis (with a brief swot and opportunity analysis). The plan should include campaign objectives, creative, offer(s), lists, schedule/timing, creative mock-ups/scripts, response metrics, budget ("ballpark numbers"), and finally to explain how the communications will be integrated for maximum impact. Summarize your campaign plan in a professional report. Reports are due week of Nov 26 at the beginning of class. The integrated campaign must employ at least three DR response media with a direct mail (addressed) and a web landing page as two mandatory elements. See attached for details of the rubric for the written report. It is a guide for your topic headings and sub headings. You should be ready to present your draft to your professor for some preliminary guidance and feedback week of Nov 5. Project Presentation Each team is allotted 15 minutes to present their campaign to the class for evaluation (not including Q&A - maximum of 5 minutes). Presentations are on the last day of class.15% Please hand in a copy of your ppt slides before you present.

a. Every student in the team must present an equal amount of content.

b. The team should also plan on answering about 5 minutes of questions from the audience following the presentation.

c. The use of supporting visual devices is mandatory. Any of the following are suitable: flipcharts, photos, illustrations, schematics, handouts, spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides (preferred). For slides or handouts, provide copies to your instructor.

d. Presentations begin immediately at the start of class in predetermined (random) order on the last class day. Teams that are not ready to present when asked will not receive a grade. Presentation and report grades reflect achievement in the following five areas:

1. Quality of planning (relevance, completeness, accuracy, creativity)

2. Rapport (ability to relate to the audience and gain their interest)

3. Credibility (ability to "sell" ideas and defend business decisions).

4. Ability to make full use of the presentation time without going over the limit.

5. Persuasiveness of presentation - use techniques learned in semester one

6. Attendance. Individuals that do not attend all presentation sessions earn a "zero" grade on the presentation portion of their project.


This assignment is to be completed on a team basis. At the end of the project students complete a confidential peer evaluation. This ensures that students have the opportunity to comment on the performance of their peers. This input is then used to assess individual grades which are adjusted up or down accordingly. Students are advised to speak with their instructor if there are teamwork concerns.

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