Energy consumer in the computer system is getting critical all around the globe now. Therefore, the ability to figure out the components that consume energy in system, such as memory, hard drive, motherboard, CPU fan is also important to realize and understand as well. Also investigating the present system that will be applicable for this project will be brought into light. This report gives information about the energy consumption in computer systems and explains the criteria used to arrive at the design which can be presented as a solution.The existing resolution that has been used to reduce waste energy does not have capability to reduce waste energy "such as Wake-On-LAN have not proven successful". Also in the report, prototype software will be use as a solution to reduce waste energy in computer system. This prototype software will be capable of measuring the amount of energy which each component consumes, and the system will have ability to work in desktop and laptop and be able to work in window operating system.
Analyse the energy consumption of a computer system
Analyzing the various components of the computer and how they consume energy in the computer system takes steps and procedures, for example, most computers power supplies give the voltage to the components and on most of the power supply specify what voltage is supplied to which important part of the computer. See table below.
Output specifications

Investigate the component that consume energy
The main devices that consume energy in the CPU are power supply, hard drive, fan and processor. Also "devices like a graphics card" will consume energy. Mention by Ziming Z. et, al,. (2010).
Accord to the Aaron G. et al., (2004), "Power supply" is a device that supplies power to the computer. It also has ability to convert AC voltage to DC voltage; thereby power supply will consume a lot of energy in the system as the output energy i.e. DC power is too less as compared to the input AC power. In this case, maximum of the energy is wasted. Although power supply's main function is to provide the power to the CPU and all things installed in it, the input power it gets is AC rather than DC and the power that it has to supply goes out in the form of DC which is too less.
Hard drive is a device that is used to store information in the system, therefore if user downloads or saves data on hard drive it will consume energy. Also hard drive works on the basis of RPM (revolution per minute) and with the new technologies that are being implemented, the RPM is increasing to provide better results and hence the energy consumption improving too. This present day Solid State Hard Drives are gaining popularity because of their efficiency and also consuming less power consumption. The only setback hard drive is facing now is the price which is too expensive when compared to the currently magnetic hard drives.
A fan is a device that is used to reduce heat in processor, motherboard and other devices. "The processor generates a lot of heat, because all the heat comes directly from the internal electrical energy" mention byZiming Z. et al,. (2010).Also fan is normally placed ahead the go under to extract the heat from the own devices. Therefore, fan has ability to consume a lot of energy used in the system especially in new computers where there is not only one processor but many working at the same time to gain more efficiency.
Processors consume a lot of energy than any other devices in the system, because processor is the brain of the computer. It will perform all the functions and even it is made-up from gold for which the sole purpose is to minimize the heat and increase the efficiency of the processor. As all the data has to flow through it, it has to be very efficient and faster, processor has ability toconsumeenergy most among all and is the core of any computing system.
To evaluate the comprise of the existing software's
The advantage of the prototype software will base on different area, by identified the component that consume energy in computer system, also ability to compare with different software such as somniloquy interface which has been use as hardware to reduces PC energy usage. The prototype software will allow the lot of people to save money.
The prototype software will be efficiency to reduce waste energy in computer system more than power down management use by this authoralso let user know the power range of the features existing.
Usability Testing:
With the advantages of using Green IT mentioned above, this will show a vital role in saving an organization's energy resources and keep environment green. Also develop new prototype software that complies with Green IT solutions, using virtualization techniques, developing efficient algorithms, etc. we can easily implement and save a lot of energy.
Research Methods:
The research methods for prototype develop will be based on above experiment to be performed. Ability to use VMware's virtualization to perform and test the above experiment. This will be totally based on the methods mentioned above i.e. utilizing the resources of a machine which does not exceed more than 15 20% of its processing usage. Also research on internet to get the required information and enhance the database.
Keeping in view the above mentioned techniques of energy saving, the implementation of a virtual machine that will base on windows in laptop. This experiment will also show how user can utilize one machine that would perform functions of two. Secondly, ability to monitor the processes being run and therefore identifying the applications which are utilizing the most is processing speed and memory.
Ethical Issues:
During my research I used internet research to gather the information I will be use to complete my project. I also ensure that the feedback I got from the IT Company is kept well.
In conclusion, Green IT is definitely the future; thereby by develop a standard prototype that capableto reducewaste energy in computer, it will be a good impact for the society, i.e. increasing the waste on our planet to an unbearable extent. This is the reason whymany governments are imposing Green IT solutions for companies and changing the trend towards Green Computing. This technology is already in play as it works on the existing systems too and above all organizations get benefits from it too so they won't hesitate to implement it. The advantages are eminent and huge in number which should be utilized to make this world a better and a comfortable place.