Develope a simple polling web application, JAVA Programming

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Develop a simple polling (voting) web application according to the following specifications:

  • Initially a page should be presented to the user where he can enter his/her name and press a button to proceed to the polling.
  • After pressing the "Proceed" button on the initial page, another page should appear with a list of available polls and the user can select one of them and press a button called "Participate" to start giving his/her vote. The list of polls should be extracted from a simple database (see the database specifications below).
  • If the client (i.e. the clients browser) have already participated in the selected poll, a page with the current poll results (again extracted from the database) should appear along with a message like "Sorry, , you have already voted for this poll" at the top of the page.
  • Alternatively if the client has not yet voted for the selected poll, the polls options (from the database) should be listed and the user can select one of the options and press a "Vote" button.
  • After pressing the "Vote" button, the poll database should be updated and the results page should be displayed along with a " Thank you for voting" message at the top of the page.
  • The results page should contain the question of the selected poll along with the options and the percentage of each option in a tabular format.
  • Note that you need to use sessions to store the users name and also cookies to remember if the client has already voted or note.
  • The database should contain the following two tables only:

? Polls table: poll number (int), poll name (string), poll question (string)

? Options table: option (string), number of votes (int), poll number (int)

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