Your task for this project is to develop a system that would provide the following features:
1. Register new student
2. Drop student from university
3. Add a course and grade (provided that the student is already registered in the university)
4. Modify student info
5. Display grade report
6. Display student info with highest and lowest average
7. Exit
1- Register new student
A new student is registered with the following details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
2- Drop student from university
When you drop student from the university, you should remove all his information from the record. A student record includes First Name, Last Name, student ID, and all courses taken by the student.
3- Add a course and grade
Using this this module, the registrar can add a course and grade to the record provided that the student is already registered in the university
4- Modify student info
Using this module, the registrar can modify the first and last name of the student. 3
5- Display grade report
This module should allow the registrar officer to display a grade report using student ID. Here is a sample report:
Student ID 10031
First Name Sara
Last Name Wong
csc1 90
infr1500 85
6- Display student info with highest and lowest average
This module should display student information with the highest and lowest average. Here is a sample report:
Highest Average:
Student ID: 10041
First Name: Inas
Last Name: Bakri
Average: 98.7%
Lowest Average:
Student ID: 10041
First Name: Tina
Last Name: Fey
Average: 45.6%
7- Exit
When the user asks to exit the program, all the text files would be replaced with the content of the array/structure.
Your program should read all the data files, and fill an array of structures (one structure for each student, and perform all operations on the array of structures. When the user asks to exit the program, all the text files would be replaced with the content of the array/structure.
Project Submission
Please note that:
- Each group should submit