Determine the order in which optimized c-scan would service, Computer Engineering

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Consider the situation in which the disk read/write head is currently located at track 45 (of tracks 0-255) and moving in the positive direction. Assume that the following track requests have been made in this order: 40, 67, 11, 240, and 87. What is the order in which optimized C-SCAN would service these requests and what is the total seek distance? Ans:

Disk queue: 40, 67, 11, 240, 87 and disk are presently located on track 45.The order wherein optimized C-SCAN would service such requests is demonstrated by the following diagram.

1514_Disk queue.png

Total seek distance = (67-45)+(87-67)+(240-87)+(255-240)+255+(11-0)+(40-11)



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